I'm reading about the Army Corp of Engineers trying to assure the citizens that even if the old and frighteningly dangerous dam at Lake Cumberland (is that spelled right? I don't want Eric pouncing on my proofreading again... it seems I can't spell my grandfather's home town). They say that there is not much risk of a failure of the dam which would put a whole lot of Kentucky and Tennessee under water. Hey, Eric... you down stream from that damned thing? Hope not, but I can lend you some water wings if you need them.
Here's the link: http://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/wire/sns-ap-dangerous-dam,0,3848746.story?coll=sns-ap-nationworld-headlines
Of course, this was an AP story. Those guys may have their heads up their keesters again...they seen to have it up there most of the time.
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