Monday, October 20, 2003

From Tom Leete --

Bob -

actually it is your own ACLU version of the Patriot Act...brown &
stinking....i watched Mercury (our dog) grunt real hard to come up with it.

do you read "gut rumbles"? he has some comments about starting your own blog
you might find interesting. you 'gotta post a lot. should not be a problem
for you. your bail bond/djvv experience would provide an interesting point
of view to many folks.

beautiful morning! cool - 55 degrees - and i got to drive ashley's little
bright red Z-3 in to work this am! top down, of course. brought back many
memories. damn thing is quite spritely! also very low. impossible to get out
of in a dignified manner. i look like a giraffe trying to escape a strait
