Saturday, February 24, 2007


I went down to S. Fla. this morning to get some training using a variable pitch prop that I managed to pick up. This will make it possible to muscle my little Velocity in an ascending power lift. A necessary component for doing arobatic slips. That's a polite way of saying that you can do things that you probably shouldn't... at two hundred miles an hour. Anyhow, the factory wants me to get the training that jet pilots have to do before they'll allow them to centerpunch the home airport FBO. No ejection possible by the way. Anyhow, I talked the guy out of it and I want it... so shut up. The experts took it off the bug this morning and put it on mine. I'm now officially a threat to life and limb. Whee. That's it right there. Nice, shiny, and even as we speak making my Lycoming into a screaming banshee... sort of like putting a supercharger on a volkswagon. Hmmm... I once had a flat bottomed raceboat with a 480 c.i. Rodac (a big block Chevvie engine with an aluminum ramair head... 800 demand horsepower dinotested. Zoomzoom as the kid says. Whee) that generated enough horsepower to make my old flat bottomed raceboat into a Drag boat which would go 200 miles per hour. I've got the same feeling down in my bowels. Oooh, baby. Let's hurry up and get the training in my book. I wanta fly back to Orlando for lunch.

Well, the "expert" previous owner of this mechanical time bomb left some of his stuff onboard. You know, the kind of junk that seems to always find a home in the tray between the seats in the front office. And I was sitting in one of those seats early this morning at 5 AM staring at a pill bottle with three Viagras in it. Hmmm... I thought those things were supposed to get you in and here it is in a machine designed to get a guy OUT of the cockpit.

Hee... hee. Oh, my.
