What can I say... I was just ruminating about him the other day. Thinking that he would live forever. Shit.
How can you speak of love if you have no money? --Kiko Shinagawa, Okinawa 1968
Actually, it's the right hand and the left foot of a thief being carried through the streets of Kabul by a Taliban kid. An old traditional exercise of an article of the Rule of Hammurabi. Definitely a way to get a fellow's attention, but it occurs to me that the pictured character with that fatuous look on his face who is exercising that old dictum of law was just a kid... and it occurs to me that the vast majority of the people we see in the film provided by the MSM are all just kids... and I'm thinking that we really can't fight this like grownups. We are at war with an army of dangerous children. You can't scare them, you can't reason with them, you can't talk to them. Shit... they're just a bunch of idiot kids.
I recall my own time as a soldier. An eighteen year old gung ho Marine. All I lived for was to ride around in my chopper and kill gooks. Nothing in the world is more dangerous than an American eighteen year old armed with an automatic weapon. You couldn't reason with me either. I was a door gunner on an Iriquois gunship, part of a fire team, and a devoted collector of body parts provided by our allies the Hmong villagers... a more bloodthirsty collection of tiny little children from the mountains of Asia you'll never meet in your wildest nightmares. I was proud to wear a collection of VC penises and ears, and added to the collection from time to time. I had that grisley souvenir around my neck for the better part of a year. God knows where it got off to. Like any other eighteen year old, I couldn't hang on to my stuff.
Still can't.
A good friend sent me a link from the paper saying that Mike Pinter was being forced into closing the old Club Juana. I figured that Mike would wiggle out of it... he has a talent for ducking fatal trouble. But it looks like this is it. I'm going to the funeral party tonight along with a few nostalgia lovers then the blue hairs of Casselberry can declare victory. I guess the real question is... what did they succeed in doing? They closed the fantasy factory. Now it's safe for them to lord over us mere mortals. It must be hard for people like that to remain so fucking pure. Or maybe the right word is constipated. Like Dax says.... just damn. Here's the link.
From Esquire:
When I ask Rosario about her childhood, she starts at the beginning--right at conception.
"I was conceived on Avenue X in Brooklyn with a prison condom that broke," she says (a prison condom being a condom they give you when you leave prison, just to clarify). "My mom was ready to get an abortion. She was at the clinic, had an appointment. And then she says she felt me move, and she fell in love with me right then. But I was just a speck, so it wasn't me moving. It was probably gas."
Okay, but what about after that? What about her life growing up?
Also not so ordinary. Dawson--a mix of Puerto Rican, Native American, Cuban, African-American, and Irish--grew up in a squat on the Lower East Side. When the family moved in, there was no electricity, no water, a hole in the floor, and a crack house across the street. Her mom was sixteen when Rosario was born and kept her in line with an interesting discipline technique: licking. "She'd lick me right across my cheek like a cougar. And it was just so humiliating." --A.J. JACOBS
OK... I suspected as much a while back, when the Batbabe had a "friend" with alternate views (remember the detective that she had the hots for?), but it's still a little hard for the usual American testerone driven teenager to deal with when something as hot as this comes out of the closet. Oh well, I suspect that crime fighting is a high stress lifestyle... and a girl just has to do what comes naturally. Here's the link.